The all-day planned multiplier event Professionalization for Inclusive Education through Reflection took place on 3rd July 2020, in a shortened form, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., as a free online event due to the requirements of Covid19 prevention.
Cooperation partner was the Seminar for Training and Further Education of Teachers Stuttgart, Department of Special Education.
The core of the event were three lectures adapted to the online format, which presented the basics and essential results of the Erasmus+ project Pro-Inclusive-Reflective. The results were also discussed in this forum:
- Professionalization – Inclusion – Reflection on practice (Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rauh, University of Regensburg / LMU Munich),
- Understanding of situation-specific interaction processes in school practice (Prof. Dr. Margit Datler, KPH Vienna/Krems)
- Reflectivity in school internships and its ethical implications (Senior Lecturer Dr. Jean-Marie Weber, University of Luxembourg)
39 people from three countries and different institutional backgrounds (school, college, university, educational administration, seminars for teacher education and further training) took part.